principality of ansbachの例文


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  1. In 1331 he purchased the town of Ansbach, nucleus of the later Hohenzollern Principality of Ansbach established in 1398.
  2. He was first taught by his father, who was an oboist in the chapel of the principality of Ansbach.
  3. Similarly, in 1806, Bavaria was able to exchange the Prussian Principality of Ansbach for the Duchy of Berg.
  4. Treuchtlingen was purchased in 1447 / 53 and, after the Treuchtlingen branch extinguished in 1647, became part of the Principality of Ansbach.
  5. Ernst von Metternich's brother was a member of the privy council of the Principality of Ansbach and in 1726 became Chancellor of Schwarzburg.


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